
Death and bereavement support, like so many services, is rooted in deep systemic biases. The majority of death and grief research is biased toward straight, cis, white people rather than being inclusive of diversity in races, ethnicities, sex and gender identities. This work toward inclusion is ongoing, and we haven’t figured it all out. We’re learning, listening, vowing to grow.


As an initiative and a community, we are committed to creating more equitable opportunities, especially for those who belong to and/or serve marginalized, underrepresented or underserved communities. We seek to advocate for a more just, diverse and equitable society - one that is safe for people in general, and all dying and grieving people in particular.


We aim to build powerful alliances with those who belong to and/or serve BIPOC, LGBTQ+, disabled communities or other marginalized, underserved or underrepresented folks and seek to amplify these voices.